The activities of BOSTIK are divided into :
- Construction ( Brands Simson and Ardal)
- Décoration ( Brands Sader and Bostik)
- Industrie ( Brands Simson Marine, Simson Industry et Bostik ).
Bostik is one of the largest adhesive and sealant manufacturing companies in the world. The group designs, manufactures and markets adhesives and sealants.
In 1990 Bostik was purchased by TOTAL.
In 2000, TotalFina purchased Elf Aquitaine and their two U.S. adhesive companies ; Bostik and Ato-Findley.
Today (2011), Bostik (formerly Bostik Findley, Inc.) is a unit of TotalFinaElf Parts of the Bostik product line are distributed by specialized companies like Lambert Products (Belgium)